- ch'stìp
- raffreddore.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Štip — Штип … Deutsch Wikipedia
Štip Municipality — Општина Штип Urban municipality … Wikipedia
Stip — beschreibt folgenden Ort oder Begrifflichkeit: Štip, eine Stadt im Osten Mazedoniens StiP, ein Studium im Praxisverbund, siehe Duales Studium Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort … Deutsch Wikipedia
stip´pler — stip|ple «STIHP uhl», verb, pled, pling, noun. –v.t. 1. to paint, draw, or engrave by using dots or small, light strokes. 2. to produce a stippled effect on. –n. 1. the method of painting, drawing, or engraving by stippling. 2. an effect produced … Useful english dictionary
stip|ple — «STIHP uhl», verb, pled, pling, noun. –v.t. 1. to paint, draw, or engrave by using dots or small, light strokes. 2. to produce a stippled effect on. –n. 1. the method of painting, drawing, or engraving by stippling. 2. an effect produced by or as … Useful english dictionary
Stip — can refer to: *Štip, the largest town in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia *Stipendiary magistrate … Wikipedia
Štip — [ʃtip], türkisch İştịp [iʃ ], Stadt in der Republik Makedonien, südöstlich von Skopje, 42 400 Einwohner; Bischofssitz der Makedonischen Orthodoxen Kirche; Textilindustrie, Tabakverarbeitung. Geschichte: Štip, das alte Astibo (3.… … Universal-Lexikon
stip — s.n. (bot.) Tulpină înaltă cu numeroase internoduri şi cu un buchet de frunze în vârf, la palmieri şi la ferigile lemnoase; stipul (2) [în DN]. ♦ Pedunculul corpilor de fructificaţie la unele ciuperci. ♦ Trunchiul talului la alge. [< fr. stipe … Dicționar Român
stip|u|lat|ed — stip|u|lat|ed1 «STIHP yuh LAY tihd», adjective. stated; agreed upon: »a stipulated amount, the stipulated conditions in a contract. stip|u|lat|ed2 «STIHP yuh LAY tihd», adjective. Botany. having stipules; stipulate … Useful english dictionary
stip|u|late — stip|u|late1 «STIHP yuh layt», verb, lat|ed, lat|ing. –v.t. to arrange definitely; demand as a condition of agreement: »He stipulated that he should receive a month s vacation every year if he took the job. –v.i. 1. to make an express demand or… … Useful english dictionary
stip- — *stip germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Pfahl; ne. pole; Interferenz: Lehnwort lat. stips; Etymologie: s. lat. stips, Femininum, Beitrag an Geld, Gabe, Spende, Gebühr, Almosen; … Germanisches Wörterbuch