- scrìfàn
- 1) grossa scrofa2) bagascia.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
scrífan — 1 sv/t1 3rd pres scrífþ past scráf/scrifon ptp gescrifen to decree, appoint; 1. to decree to a person as his lot, to allot, assign, prescribe; 2. to fix as his lot for a person; 3. to decree after judgment, to adjudge, doom, inflict, impose,… … Old to modern English dictionary
shortshrift — short shrift n. 1. Summary, careless treatment; scant attention: These annoying memos will get short shrift from the boss. 2. Quick work. 3. a. A short respite, as from death. b. The brief time before execution granted a condemned prisoner for… … Universalium
short shrift — n. 1) Summary, careless treatment; scant attention: »These annoying memos will get short shrift from the boss. 2) Quick work. 3) a) A short respite, as from death. b) The brief time before execution granted a condemned prisoner for confession and … Word Histories
shrift — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scrift, from scrīfan to shrive more at shrive Date: before 12th century 1. archaic a. a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of reconciliation b. the act of shriving ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
shrive — verb (shrived or shrove; shriven or shrived; shriving) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scrīfan to shrive, prescribe (akin to Old High German scrīban to write), from Latin scribere to write more at scribe Date: before 12th century… … New Collegiate Dictionary
shrive — /shruyv/, v., shrove or shrived, shriven or shrived, shriving. v.t. 1. to impose penance on (a sinner). 2. to grant absolution to (a penitent). 3. to hear the confession of (a person). v.i. Archaic. 4. to hear confessions. 5. to go to or make… … Universalium
scráf — past 3rd sing of scrífan … Old to modern English dictionary
scríban — see scrífan … Old to modern English dictionary
Shrove Tuesday — Shrove Tues|day [ˌʃrəuv ˈtju:zdi, deı US ˌʃrouv ˈtu:z ] n [U and C] [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: Shrove from shrive (of a Christian priest) to hear and forgive someone s sins (11 21 centuries), from Old English scrifan; SHRIFT] the day before the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
schreiben — Vst. std. (8. Jh.), mhd. schrīben, ahd. scrīban, as. skrī␢an Entlehnung. Wie aschw. skriva, ae. scrīfan ( bestimmen, vorschreiben ), afr. skrīva entlehnt aus l. scrībere schreiben (aus ritzen, kratzen ). Die starke Stammbildung ist aber immerhin… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache