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  • Moritz Steinschneider — (1816–1907) Moritz Steinschneider (March 30, 1816, Prostějov, Moravia Austria– 1907) was a Bohemian bibliographer and Orientalist. He received his early instruction in Hebrew from his father, Jacob Steinschneider (b. 1782; d. March, 1856), who… …   Wikipedia

  • Moritz Steinschneider — (* 30. März 1816 in Proßnitz, Mähren; † 24. Januar 1907 in Berlin) war ein jüdisch mährischer, österreichisch preußischer Bibliograph und Orientalist. Er gilt gemeinhin als der Begründer der wissenschaftlichen hebräischen Bibliographie und „war… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • M. Steinschneider — Moritz Steinschneider Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) Moritz Steinschneider, né le 30 mars 1816 à Prostějov (Prossnitz) Moravie, décédé en 1907, est un bibliographe et orientaliste juif de Bohême. Son père, Jacob Steinschneider (1782 1856) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Moritz Steinschneider — (1816–1907) Moritz Steinschneider, né le 30 mars 1816 à Prostějov (Prossnitz) Moravie, décédé en 1907, est un bibliographe et orientaliste juif de Bohême. Son père, Jacob Steinschneider (1782 1856), qui n était pas seulement un talmudiste …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Steinschneider — Moritz Steinschneider Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) Moritz Steinschneider, né le 30 mars 1816 à Prostějov (Prossnitz) Moravie, décédé en 1907, est un bibliographe et orientaliste juif de Bohême. Son père, Jacob Steinschneider (1782 1856) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Divisions of Indian Railways — The Indian Railways is divided into zones, which are further sub divided into divisions, each having a divisional headquarters. There are a total of sixty eight divisions[1]. Each of the divisions, is headed by a Divisional Railway Manager (DRM)… …   Wikipedia

  • chimney-wok — n British a satellite dish affixed to the exterior of a house. The joky nickname was heard from the early 1990s, sometimes abbre viated to wok …   Contemporary slang

  • dusty — n British 1. an old person. A term of mild contempt or even affection to their elders among Sloane Rangers and other young people of the late 1970s, becoming more wide spread since. A less common alternative to wrinkly. In The Official Sloane… …   Contemporary slang

  • dustie — n British 1. an old person. A term of mild contempt or even affection to their elders among Sloane Rangers and other young people of the late 1970s, becoming more wide spread since. A less common alternative to wrinkly. In The Official Sloane… …   Contemporary slang

  • flave — adj American fashionable, stylish, cool. A vogue term among rappers and hip hop aficionados in the early 1990s, the word is an abbre viated form of the earlier word flavor , denoting personal style …   Contemporary slang

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