- strìt
- dispetto, sdegno, stizza.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
strit — s ( en, ar) ZOOL insekt … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
strit — … Useful english dictionary
street — /strit / (say street) noun 1. a public way or road, paved or unpaved, in a town or city, sometimes including a pavement or pavements, and having houses, shops, or the like, on one side or both sides. 2. such a way or road together with the… …
Street — /strit/ (say street) noun George Edmund, 1824–81, English architect …
street Arab — /ˈstrit ærəb/ (say street aruhb) noun Obsolescent → street urchin …
street art — /ˈstrit at/ (say street aht) noun art which is performed or produced in the street, as chalk pictures, yarn bombing, mural installations, aerosol art, etc. –street artist, noun …
street clothes — /ˈstrit kloʊðz/ (say street klohdhz) plural noun → streetwear …
street cred — /ˈstrit krɛd/ (say street kred) noun credibility or status among people of the urban counter culture …
street crew — /ˈstrit kru/ (say street krooh) noun a group of people who organise an outdoors public event or advertising campaign to support a particular product, band, cause, etc …
street dancing — /ˈstrit dænsɪŋ/ (say street dansing) noun a form of dancing originating in the urban, often ghetto, streets of the US, involving for the most part solo routines of gymnastic movement performed to recorded music …