- sàj
- sei (numero).
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Dizionario Materano. 2014.
Saj — ( ar. صاج) has two meanings in the Oriental cuisine: * the Lebanese name (also called markouk ) for a form of bread used mainly in Arabic cultures; it is commonly compared to a pita bread known in Mediterranean cuisine. thumb|right|100px|Saj… … Wikipedia
Saj' — Saj‘ is a form of rhymed prose in Arabic literature. It is named so because of its evenness or monotony, or from a fancied resemblance between its rhythm and the cooing of a dove. It is a highly artificial style of prose, characterized by a kind… … Wikipedia
SAJ — steht für Sozialistische Arbeiter Jugend Ski Association of Japan … Deutsch Wikipedia
sàj — in sáj prisl. (ȁ; ȃ) zastar. vsaj: povej mi saj to, zakaj molčiš in saj vez. (ȁ) 1. v vzročnem priredju za utemeljevanje, pojasnjevanje prej povedanega: takoj bom vse uredil, saj je to moja dolžnost; poznaš jo, saj je hodila s teboj v šolo / z … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
SAJ — Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica SAJ (Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica : Unité Spéciale Anti Terrorisme) Emblèmes du SAJ … Wikipédia en Français
Saj' — La saj est une poésie lyrique arabe. Portail du monde arabo musulman Portail de la poésie … Wikipédia en Français
SAJ (disambiguation) — Saj or SAJ may refer to:* Saj , a form of rhymed prose in Arabic literature * Saj, a form of bread used mainly in Arabic cultures *Saj, Afghanistan * Scout Association of Japan * anti terrorist organization SAJ (Special Anti terrorist Unit) … Wikipedia
Saj Lucia Hotel Trivandrum (Trivandrum) — Saj Lucia Hotel Trivandrum country: India, city: Trivandrum (Central) Saj Lucia Hotel Trivandrum Location Saj Lucia Hotel Trivandrum is located just a kilometre from the city centre and only 5 kilometres from the airport. Rooms All guestrooms at… … International hotels
Saj Vagamon Hideout — (Vagamon,Индия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Vagamon, Kolahalamedu … Каталог отелей
Saj Earth Resort — (Nedumbassery,Индия) Категория отеля: 5 звездочный отель Адрес: Cochin Internationa … Каталог отелей
Saj Resort — (Mahābaleshwar,Индия) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: Metgutad village, Mahaba … Каталог отелей